Award: Studying Local Effects of Climate Change (Multiple Awards)

Requirements: Research, analyze, and write about local environmental issues, focusing on how climate change might affect our area and what can be done to mitigate these effects. Example topics include (1) expanding the findings from Fredericksburg’s heat island effect study to determine what changes might be needed as a result of the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report (IPCC-SR) projections; (2) examining the impact of hotter air temperatures on Lake Anna water temperatures, to ensure that the water can cool the nuclear reactors for the next 40 years. Dominion is hoping to extend the reactors’ lives to operate for a total of 80 years (3) examining the impact on air quality in the I-95 corridor for diesel trucks and local delivery trucks, at the Centreport Parkway/I-95/Stafford Airport development area. What should be required for trucks visiting the warehouses, fulfillment centers, etc. Is it true that the expected truck traffic on that roadway is over 7.000 trucks every day? To apply, contact us and express your interest!

Type of Award: Grant and Scholarship