Name: Researching, Analyzing, and Writing about PFAS
Year Awarded: 2024
Type Awarded: Scholarship
Details: Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances, otherwise known as PFAS, are long-lasting man-made chemicals used in a vast array of manufactured goods, including non-stick cookware, water-resistant fabrics, and cleaning and personal care products. PFAS are present in the soil, air, and water, and exposure to PFAS in the environment can lead to health issues for people and animals. This project will involve researching, analyzing, and writing about PFAS, focusing on informing local citizens about their effects on health and the environment and updating them on the current state and national legislation both online and through an updated display at Fredericksburg’s Earth Day celebration.
Status: Ongoing: Conducted literature research and attended meetings discussing PFAS. However, Earth Day display was later dropped due to lack of space.