Name: PFAS in the Potomac River

Year Awarded: 2024

Type Awarded: Grant

Details: The Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW) plays a crucial role in both ecology and economy in the mid-Atlantic region. However, despite its environmental, economic, and human health benefits, the health of the Chesapeake Bay remains low, primarily due to Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) pollution. Contamination is widespread throughout the CBW, with concerning levels found in surface water samples from Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Collecting samples from waters surrounding the Indian Head Division U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center and the Dahlgren Naval Surface Warfare Center, recipients will conduct a sediment, water, and wildlife study that will assess the health of these areas. They will present their findings at a seminar joint sponsored by University of Mary Washington and the Rappahannock Group Sierra Club.

Status: Ongoing: Coordination between UMW, George Mason University, and the Potomac Riverkeepers Network has occurred. Data samples will be captured and analyzed in the summer and fall of 2024. Presentations will be made to the scientific community at CPRC SETAC annual spring conference in 2025 and results submitted to a competitive, peer-reviewed journal. A seminar jointly sponsored by the University of Mary Washington and the Rappahannock Group Sierra Club will be held in 2025.